Edgar allan poe lighthouse keeper movie 2016
Edgar allan poe lighthouse keeper movie 2016

Low budget however does show, the film did need a grander and more elaborate setting while the photography can be too claustrophobic and the effect ropy at best. The threat actually has personality and generated creepiness. Parts are creepy and there is are a few fun set pieces. The characters were not as annoying as feared and don't make as many frustrating and illogical decision making like some films seen recently did (this is always also including bigger budget films that were box office successes if variable critically). 'Edgar Allan Poe's Lighthouse Keeper' wisely plays it straight with a little tongue-in-cheek going on and appreciated and admired the more ambitious storytelling when the action properly kicked in. The music is both quirky and ominous and the direction when the film gets going is assured. Starting with the good things, Vernon Wells is great and generally the main performers were better than average. And it actually was, not perfect and the potential is not completely lived up to but in no way is it wasted. But I went with my gut instinct and saw 'Edgar Allan Poe's Lighthouse Keeper' anyway because it did seem like it would be one of my better recent low-budget viewings. Most of my recent low-budget viewings with low rating and mediocre to terrible reviews have been as bad and in some cases even worse.

edgar allan poe lighthouse keeper movie 2016 edgar allan poe lighthouse keeper movie 2016

Especially when the rating was very low, which from personal experience recently has not been a good sign. Based on an unfinished short story, 'Edgar Allan Poe's Lighthouse Keeper' intrigued me with a great concept and the reviews here were nowhere near as bad as feared. Love Edgar Allan Poe, from reading his timeless stories and the Roger Corman and Vincent Price films where the best of them were creepy and entertaining. Reviewed by TheLittleSongbird 6 / 10 The secret of the lighthouse

Edgar allan poe lighthouse keeper movie 2016